Monday, November 23, 2009

Somebody likes markers . . . .

Yep. That would be my son Ayden. Loves him some markers. He calls these his tattoos.

See, mommy and daddy have tattoos, and he doesn't want to be left out. What to do, what to do . . . . markers!

Luckily they're washable . . .


MAB from OtterCatHaus said...

Now that is a spirited, creative, wonderful young fellow.

Cami said...

You have no idea! ;P
He loves to draw and color!

Anonymous said...

I love his tatted-out sleeves but tell him facial tattoos should be left for Mike Tyson and prisoners. He's a cutie!!

Sycamore Moon Studios said...

What a hoot! Great pix.

Bonzai Beadwear said...

LOL OMG!! i love that second pic, he is so proud of his tatoos! :P

Katie Kaboom said...

lol! CUTE!
My Aiden did the same thing when he was a tot, (hubby and I are pretty heavily tattooed), Now I get him the temporary tatts from time to time.
Here's hime a bit over a year ago. lol.

Jiorji said...

Yay Ayden!! you're so hardcore now!! and thank goodness for washable markers!! when i was little i wanted to play with makeup ...and i used markers...and they wouldn't wash off...and i had to go to class with purple 80's "eyeshadow"...

can i get a moment of silence?? lol