Monday, July 27, 2009

HPC Week 7: suenosdejmi

The final week in this round of the HPC is all about suenosdejmi! Jaime is the fearless leader of the Etsy Owls Street Team (of which I'm a proud member!) and makes tho most wonderful crocheted scarves, hats, and fingerless gloves! But she also has some delightful amigurumi up her sleeves too! (her fingerless sleeves!). I have a gorgeous scarf from her and an adorable amigurumi bull! He's awesome but he eats all my icecream. I'm looking forward to seeing her cow-butt-transformed-finished-cow. Don't ask. Just watch the video! Oh, and visit her shop!


Audrey said...

Cool video!! Love the bag at the end. Off to see her shop!

Christie Cottage said...

I like the pink and brown scarf