Friday, April 2, 2010

Feature Friday - Kit Lane

This Friday's featured shop is Kit Lane. I found her shop quite by accident. I typed the search term "april" into Etsy, and found this:

A little fool named April.

It was so squeel-inducingly cute that I had to have a look around her shop. And let me tell you - I thought my head was going to explode from the cute!
No, really. Like explode into a bloody mess so that I looked like one of my own critters.

This is Gorgon and Zola (Zola is the little pink one). Did you catch the name combo? Gorgon Zola? Mmmmmmm, cheese. Gorgon reminds me of a gentle manatee.

Meet Hassen and Feffer. They're chimera sisters. Kind of like siamese twins, I think. And darn cute! Kit Lane also has the most wonderful descriptions and tells the stories of her creations.
Magnus the Feezle is amazing! He even has a butt crack!

See?!?! Butt crack!

I wanna show you more of Kit Lane's awesome stuff, but duuuuuuuuude!!!! She has over 1000 sales! Kit Lane is my hero.

So check out her shop. And read her profile :) It's amusing!


Anonymous said...

those are so cute. I kinda wish I could needle felt.

MAB from OtterCatHaus said...

She has great stuff! Adorable and quirky. Just like us!

Erica said...

I needle felt so I came across her shop one day when I was looking at things that other people needle felt, and I agree, WONDERFUL SHOP. Absolutely fantastic items. A little wierd and creepy, but that is just my style.