Saturday, October 17, 2009


Hell yes! My hubby Jeremy sent me an email about a wonderful festival held yearly in Fruita Colorado. It's a festival to celebrate Mike the headless chicken, who lived for 18 months after having his head lopped off. That's right. 18 FREAKING MONTHS! WITHOUT A HEAD! It sounds crazy, I know!

"September 10th, 1945 finds a strapping (but tender) five and a half month old Wyandotte rooster pecking through the dust of Fruita, Colorado. The unsuspecting bird had never looked so delicious as he did that, now famous, day. Clara Olsen was planning on featuring the plump chicken in the evening meal. Husband Lloyd Olsen was sent out, on a very routine mission, to prepare the designated fryer for the pan. Nothing about this task turned out to be routine. Lloyd knew his Mother in Law would be dining with them and would savor the neck. He positioned his ax precisely, estimating just the right tolerances, to leave a generous neck bone. "It was as important to Suck-Up to your Mother in Law in the 40's as it is today." A skillful blow was executed and the chicken staggered around like most freshly terminated poultry.
Then the determined bird shook off the traumatic event and never looked back. Mike (it is unclear when the famous rooster took on the name) returned to his job of being a chicken. He pecked for food and preened his feathers just like the rest of his barnyard buddies."

But wait! How is this possible?
Well, Lloyd left just enough of Mike's brain stem so that he was still functioning like a normal chicken. Being a good farmer (really?) Lloyd stopped the bleeding and proceeded to feed and water Mike (by placing food directly into his esophagus).

Long video, but pretty funny.
Go check out Mike the headless chicken!

1 comment:

MAB from OtterCatHaus said...

Egads! Although I've known plenty of humans who seem to survive just fine without brains. . .