So I'm sitting here, watching Lost, wondering what to blog, and I keep on thinking about walruses. So I'm all, I know! I'll look up walrus stuff on Etsy!
But my damn laptop is a FREAKING DOUCHE CANOE!!!!
Like seriously.
It seems to dictate when I can and can't be on Etsy. Like, when I got home from work (I'm typing this Tuesday night, by the way), I could totally get on Etsy. But then I go to type up my kick-ass walrus post, and BOOM! No more Etsy. I'm sorry, but WHAT THE F**K?!?!?!?
It doesn't matter if I use internet explorer or mozilla firefox, yahoo, google, or bing. My Dell won't find Etsy.
These walruses are all, Oh noes!!!! Icky's computer is a douche canoe!
Soooooo, any ideas? Suggestions?